1. Academic distributed learning-
- training teachers and students
- classes
- example: epals
- online classes
- developed in house
- can be used for training or distant learning
- Region 4 conducts virtual classes
- can increase productivity, reduce turnover, and improve job satisfaction
- developed in house
- Solar Turbine conducts a few of these classes
- blend of face-to-face and online learning
- nationwide
- Many Universities offer these type of classes
- based on knowledge you have and what you will achieve by doing the work
- can work online or in a classroom
- Kaplan College Campuses use this method of learning
During my time in college, I have taken many courses. Many of these courses are concerning technology. One course taught how to develop and use many different types of technology. As a student of this course, I learned many things; however, the reusability was low. We would learn so much technology and move at such a fast pace that many of the technologies I learned I can not remember. My desire would be for the technology lessons to either be stretched out or some removed from that particular class and another course added for those. It was a loss to take the class, learn the technology quickly, move on fast, and then loose the knowledge.
Using Rich Media

I am a first grade teacher. When thinking about nanotechnology, my first thought was "no way." As I began to read and study about nanotechnology, I discovered that this can be used at any age or level. Nanotechnology can be used in my room. Below is information about nanotechnology that I located at http://www.nnin.org/nnin_educstandards.html
Science Content Standards K–4: At this level, students may not be able to understand the concepts of atoms and molecules, but they are developing the foundation for more advanced understanding of science in middle and high school. Important foundations to be addressed at this level include addressing the following standards:
- Science as Inquiry including ability to do and understand scientific inquiry
- Physical Science including properties of objects and materials, position and motion of objects and light, heat and electricity
- Life Science including organisms and environments.
- Science and Technology including distinguishing between natural and man-made object, ability of technological design, and understanding about science and technology.
- Science in Personal and Social Perspectives including changes in environments and science and technology in local challenges.
- History and Nature of Science including science as a human endeavor
I perfer the Broad and Inclusive Road. This road not only offers the same as the Stait and Narrow Road, it goes beyond. I love the use of flexibility and the methods of sharing. I also believe that the Broad and Inclusive Road requires and incourages higher level thinking.